Thursday, January 7, 2010

Top 10 in 2010!

I am putting out the challenge - it is called "The Top Ten in 2010!" Over the next 12 months, we as theTURN, will be participating in the top ten challenges. I will issue out different challenges thoughout the year that I feel are important for us to participate in as a church community. At the end of the year, we will rank them from 1-10 based upon how effective they were for theTURN.

The first Top 10 is something we are starting this weekend called the "New Thru 30!" It is intense - we are going to make a priority of the Word this year during the FAST which starts this Sunday. I am challenging and encouraging each of you to join with me in this. Attached is the "Read Thru 30" reading plan that guides you in your journey. Each week has two grace days provided for you if you get behind and need time to catch up. When we couple fasting with praying and reading His Word, transformation will take place! Watch below:

I am also attaching the study guide as well to help you with this process. The first day of reading is this Monday, January 11. This is not meant to be legalistic, but if we, as theTURN, can seek God in this year with fasting, prayer, and reading (more than we do throughout the year), I believe God will be big in our lives this year! I encourage each of you to join us for "New Thru 30!"

Let the challenge begin!


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