Saturday, January 2, 2010

Are You On Board?

"Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God." - 1 Corinthians 4:1

It is interesting to note that the Greek word for "ministers" in this verse is the word huperatas - the Greek word that was used to depict the very lowest class of criminals. The huperatas of ancient times were the criminals assigned to live the rest of their lives in the bottom galleys of the huge ships. In those galleys, they became the engines that moved the ships through the seas. When you think about this, you can see why Paul used this word to describe those of us who are serving in the Kingdom of God!

For instance, a great number of these criminals were held in the bottom galleys of ships. They were seated and chained to a bench along with other criminals - and together they shared common chains, held a common oar, and worked the same number of hours. They all had to provide equal labor to the task. Their entire lives became a group effort. They became inseparable from the other men who were on the bench with them. God never calls you to do a big job all by yourself. He will call others at the same time to assist you. When you say yes to the will of God - when you jump into the middle of your assigned task and surrender your time, money, talents, and ideas to the Lord - you will discover that others will be right there by your side to help you with the task. You are not the only one God has been speaking to!

The ships on which the huperatas served were so huge that it would have been impossible for one servant to move an entire ship by himself. It required the strength and effort of many servants working together in order to move those huge ships.

That is the way I feel about theTURN in 2010. I can't accomplish what God has called me to do all alone. I have to keep looking around me. God is placing people around me to help me fulfill the dream. I would not be able to do what God has told me to do if I had to do it by myself. The vision is too big and demanding. I know he has called some of you to stand with me, pray with me, and stay for the long haul, working beside me "on the under-rowers' bench." Your call is just as real as my call.

Likewise, if you are going to fulfill the dream God has given you, you will have to learn how to cooperate with other key people - your partners in life - who can assist you in fulfilling that dream.

When these men rowed, the boat moved. When they stopped rowing, the boat stopped. These servants were the driving force behind the speed of the ship. If they ever stopped working hard at rowing, the ship stayed motionless in the water. It was totally dependent on the rowers in the bottom of the boat, which was powerless to travel anywhere without them.

The bottom of the boat may not be the most pleasurable place to be. Serving day in and day out may seem monotonous and almost boring at times. But sticking with the vision and continuing to row will eventually produce eternal results for the Kingdom of God!

What is that vision you ask? Join us on Thursday, January 28 for VISION 2010!

So surrender to the plan of God, take your place on the ship, grab an oar, and start rowing!

Are you on board with theTURN?


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