Thursday, January 28, 2010

Going to be Sick!

We have an awesome series starting next Thursday here at theTURN - February is going to be great! It will be a teaching series that I will spend lots of time re-examining our foundations in the faith. If you want to grow, you better get yourself here - that is all I am saying!

“Essential Ingredients: the ABC’s of Christian Living” – college and 20-somethings
Consider this: the few simple exercises done in elementary school are the foundation that all future learning—and all future success—is built on. The same is true of your Christian life. If your spiritual building blocks are firmly in place, you have a strong foundation to support your future growth and withstand even the worst of life’s pressures. Join theTURN all month long as we anchor our lives to God’s essential ingredients!

You don't want to miss a single night! Stay consistent and receive all that God has for you!

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