Thursday, January 7, 2010

Honor the Holy Spirit, and He will honor you!

"And we are His witnesses to these things, and so also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him." - Acts 5:32

As we embark on the journey together fasting over these next few weeks, I am encouraged by this Scripture.

To know the right is to pursue it; to perceive the truth is to receive it; to see God's will is to submit to it, in serving or in suffering. What excites me about this Scripture is its promise. Some people passively wait for the Spirit to imbue and endue them; but from what I gain from it: each new act of obedience will always bring a new baptism!

We need a baptism of His Spirit in this new year. Let love be perfected in simple obedience. Sin does not destroy God's love, it frustrates it. If we combine our hearts together and walk in obedience, He promises to give us His Holy Spirit.

Each of us over the next month must empty ourselves of selfish ambition. It is time for us to hold up our emptied vessels to be filled with the grace of God.

It is my prayer in this fast for every believer to be "a vessel, sanctified and made meet for the Master's use, prepared unto every good work (2 Tim. 2:21)."

Without the habitual recognition of dependence on the Spirit, revival will neither begin nor continue. Let me give you a secret: give your whole soul to God this January. God is willing to use you as a chosen vessel for His glory!

See you in a few hours!

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