Monday, January 11, 2010

Public Comes out of Private

I was getting ahead last night in our "New Thru 30" Challenge, and God is already speaking! This jumped off of the page at me:

"Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops." - Matthew 10:27

Principle: All public witness flows out of the private time one has with the Lord.

What better time to realize this principle than when fasting and reading? I sure hope each of you have started this journey with us through the NT in 30 days! If you have not yet started, start today! It is the first day in this journey - you can find the reading guide above.

If you want daily updates about theTURN, the FAST, and this challenge - be sure to follow theTURN on twitter by texting "follow craigmosgrove" to 40404! I am sure there will be lots of personal thoughts and devotions over these next 30 days.

Each day, I will share raw thoughts about what I have gained while sprinting through the New Testament with you. This blog will be a source of encouragement and strength to you while you fast and discipline yourself.

So take the words of Jesus in Matthew 10 and seek to experience more of Him in secret. As our pastor said yesterday, "Secret seeking produces public reward." You want to increase your effectiveness in witnessing? Let Him speak to you in the dark so you can share it in the light. Allow Him to speak into your ear so you can share His words from the housetops!

There is no telling what is about to happen in our lives!

It's always an honor.

1 comment:

Christian Parker said...

Following your tweets now by txt.