Sunday, January 17, 2010


As you all heard on Thursday night - we do indeed have a huge announcement:

We are having our first-ever ALL NIGHT PRAYER service coming up in just two weeks!

Join me on Friday, January 29 (one night after VISION 2010) for a night of power, prayer, and passion. It will be day 19 of the fast, and there is no telling what will happen when we come together and seek His face!

I will be leading the night for the 8 hours of prayer - the night will include corporate prayer, individual prayer, and even prayer stations! It will be unlike anything you have ever been apart of before - you can't afford to miss it! I am asking that you join with me in fasting, reading the Word, and prayer for this whole month of January! 2010 will prove to be the greatest year we've seen, and we need you to step up to the plate in leadership.

It is time that college aged students arise to their leadership potential in this world! At ALL NIGHT PRAYER we are going to implore of Him to use us in our generation.

The call has been made. Will you be a part?

See you on Thursday night - got such a fresh word for you all! Bring everyone you know...

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