Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The "O" Word

The place of yieldedness is the place where God wants us today. The only thing that keeps us from experiencing the baptism, the certainty, the healing, the anointing, etc. is our unyieldedness to the plan of God. I will say it again. The main thing that God wants from His people today is obedience. When you live constantly yielded you come into that place in your life where you are able to constantly eat the fruits of Canaan.

He does indeed have a plan for our lives. Unfortunately our plan is not usually God's plan, and often it will actually block the execution of His plan. This is because our plan is usually based on our own understanding and knowledge.

Before we come to Christ, we are captive to our education and experience. We are products of the ten, twenty, thirty years of the input of life. When we decide to give our lives to Christ, the journey of transformation begins. We begin to be transformed by "the renewing of our minds" (Romans 12:2). Through yielding to God's ways and His Word, our thoughts and minds become captive to Christ Jesus, and not captive to the input of life.

"Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." - 2 Corinthians 10:5

It is one thing to know the Word, and another thing to be captive to the Word. You are either captive to the world or captive to the Word.

Transformation comes through constantly obeying and yielding. This is the only way. You can go to church all your life; you can spend all your time learning, praying, and singing; but still you will be captive to your past input unless you make the decision to yield and obey every time God shows you something.

Scripture says "to obey is better than sacrifice" (1 Samuel 15:22). If you spend your whole life sacrificing without obeying, sadly you will never find victory, never find God's plan for you. You may repeatedly sing "I love you Lord" but the Word says, "For this is the love of God, that we keep HIs commandments" (1 John 5:3).

Through obedience we really demonstrate our love. Today God will give you an opportunity to go further in obedience. Ask God to show you specifically how you are to obey. Take the opportunity, and you will see the transformation and start to walk in God's plan for your life.

Obeying together,

1 comment:

Alex.Kirby said...

Thanks Pastor Craig. That helps a lot.