Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Be a Life Speaker....

Did you know that there are more than 1.39 million victims of sexual servitude across the globe?

The average age is 14, although some are as young as 4 years old. Many of these women and girls are forced to service as many as 40 men a day!

Human trafficking is society's dirty little secret. We don't want to talk about it. We don't want to think about it. But according to one United Nations report, someone becomes a victim of human trafficking every 30 seconds!

Each year, an estimated 800,000 men, women and children are trafficked. . . that's 800,000 lives destroyed. Only 1 percent of victims are ever rescued.

God's people cannot ignore such unbelievable suffering. I want to cry for these innocent girls. We must do something!

God has the power to speak life back into those in low places! And He has chosen to use you and me as His LIFE SPEAKERS. You can make a difference. You can help the enslaved.

Our pastor is asking us to join him in a new, massive effort to help RESCUE, REHABILITATE and RESTORE victims of human trafficking.

Free Chapel is partnering with two people who are already on the frontlines of ministry, snatching girls from the edge of despair - Philip Cameron and Christine Caine. We, here at theTURN, gave to this ministry in SOLUTION Conference this year!

While working to improve the deplorable living conditions in Moldova's orphanages, Philip discovered a disturbing truth. At age 16, girls are "kicked out" of the orphanages with just a few dollars and a bus ticket. They become easy prey for human traffickers.

Philip, determined to save these girls from sexual slavery, began building a place for them to find saftey, shelter, an education and love in the name of Jesus Christ. He has built two homes, is almost finished with the third home and plans are under way for the fourth. Each home houses about 25 girls.

Christine Caine rescues victims of human trafficking in Greece, operates a crisis care shelter, raises awareness across the globe and even works to bring justice through legal action.

Our church is helping these ministry partners speak life to those in desperate need. They are rescuing women and girls from predators, feeding them, clothing them, giving them shelter and sharing the Gospel with them.

The need is so great! The numbers of hurting people are staggering and every startling statistic represents a fraglie life.

We can't do everything. . . but we CAN do something!

Join us in this effort as we become LIFE SPEAKERS to those who least expect it!


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