Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Grace: A New Concept

In lieu of our brand new series starting this Thursday night, "Forward," I felt it would be appropriate to share a few testimonies from some of our own right here at theTURN that the Lord is propelling forward!

I introduce to you an incredible leader here at theTURN, Linda Reyes:

I was out of control, with no direction. I had no sense of worth and most of all, I had nothing to live for. My life, since I was a child, was a constant struggle to survive and to understand the things that were hurting me. By the age of three I was being sexually abused repetitively. By the age of ten, my parents lost their factory due to a fire, leaving my family with no source of income and a change of lifestyle which led to tension in my house and ultimately aided in my dad committing adultery.

In a desperate attempt to give my brothers and me a better future, my mom decided when I was fourteen, to come to the United States. Her heart had been broken and the only thing for her to fight for was us. We landed in Atlanta in an attempt to find a job through a family member. She did find a job. My uncle, mom, two brothers and I lived in a one bedroom apartment while living in Atlanta. I continually asked myself “Why is my family disintegrating?” “Why do we have to leave home and come to a new place to live in a worse condition than before?” Atlanta, the people, and different atmosphere were all new to me, but my biggest fear was attending high school.

As I started my freshman year of high school, I was exposed to the normalities of American schooling and quickly learned I needed to dress and act in a certain way to be accepted. Sex was a daily topic and partying and doing drugs were the cool things to do. I always told myself that I would never be like that and do what “they” do. I thought I could make it on my own, but deep inside, I was longing for true love, a father figure and a reason to love. I lived day by day, simply trying to get through.

The lack of stability in my life and the early exposure to sexual abuse led me to find a quick comfort in sex, alcohol, and nicotine. By the age of twenty-one, I anticipated the weekends in order to lose myself in alcohol. The people I had surrounded myself with were leading me to do the things they thought were the core of their problems. My life moved in a continual downward spiral. My soul was searching for a father figure and a reason to live.

In 2009, my boyfriend at the time and I took a trip to Las Vegas in which we consumed our time with drinking, sex, and gambling. During the trip, he told me he didn’t love me anymore which led me to have a broken heart as we traveled back to Atlanta together. During this time of confusion, an usher from Free Chapel, Jay Jones, invited me and my boyfriend to come to church because he saw our need for Jesus Christ.

We took the opportunity on Sunday, August 30, 2009 and gave our lives to Jesus Christ. Once I saw the love Christ had for me, I ran to Him and dedicated my life to life for Him. I’m 24 years old. Currently, I serve with theTURN here at Free Chapel. I joined the church right after I got saved. I’ve learned that just because He saved me does not mean my problems will go away. He came not only to save us, but to restore and heal us. With time I am learning that every little detail in my life needs healing, restoration, and strength; that healing comes through God’s Word on a daily basis. The process is what allows me to become more like Him. Prayer, fasting, and reading His word is what makes me understand how great God’s love truly is. It is amazing that Christ Himself rescued a sinner like me!

Along with being saved and introduced to a new concept called grace, my pastors, leaders and friends at church have shown me the love of Jesus Christ. I now have a new place to call home. Instead of judging me, they have opened the doors of their hearts and shown me compassion like our Jesus did.

My college & 20-somethings pastor Craig Mosgrove will sit and talk to me, pour into me, and encourage me through The Word of God. Pastor Craig always shows me that he and his family are never too busy to take the time to hear my heart. Such strong spiritual leadership pushes me to be a better woman of God and a better leader! I want to reach out to others as they have reached out to me. Personal relationships, accountability, and compassion were pivotal to my spiritual growth. First John 3:18 says, “My little children let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth.” The kind actions of people allowed me to believe what they were teaching me. Not only did they tell me that they loved me, they also relayed that love through their actions. My life forever will be changed; I have found the perfect true love and a Father who loves me no matter how low I may be and Who is majestic enough to raise me up and make me new.

Moving forward together,



Lola & Lamar said...

I feel like I tell you this all the time, but I never want you to get tired of hearing it- I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! You are so special and such an encouragement. It is so uplifting to read your testimony. I have such a great deal of respect for your attitude and humility. You are beautiful and more loved than you will ever know! I'm continually impressed with your growth and obedience. You're out of this world, Linda loo!

One super proud ION leader,


Proud as pie...as my grandma used to say....

Love your heart and passion - it is inspiring and liberating for others!

Can't wait to see what happens 10 years from now...


Anonymous said...

Reading that makes me realize that I truly dont have a clue what is going on in all the lives around me each Thursday night at theTurn...

But what an amazing testimony. The fact that you can share that with others for Gods glory is amazing. Thank you, Linda. And thanks be to God.

"Im still standing, but by the grace of God!"

Omarys said...


I cannot begin to put into words what an inspiration your kind of courage, faith, and passion are. I love that your life radiates everything you believe. Your story is such a humble awakening to the amazing love and grace of Christ. Never, ever stop sharing it!

Your new friend,

Anonymous said...

I just want to praise God right now. Dear Heavenly Father we thank You so much for what You are doing and have done for us. You continue to pursue us with love and compassion. You have brought us all here to share Your glory and I thank You for that Father. Father please send us more people who are searching for the answer to their problems.. Jesus and thank YOU for letting us grow in love You and with one another. Father guide us in Your love. Thank YOU for your amazing sons and daughters here. Thank YOU for sending us Linda and Seth.

Continue to consume Linda's heart and to reveal Your love to her. He is very proud of you Linda and He loves you. Your Father sees Himself in YOu. Glory TO GOD!! Forever In Jesus Name Amen.

Lori said...

wow...Linda what an incredible testimony! God is just so awesome and he is truly using you in a mighty way to touch other people and encourage. Im so proud of you for sharing your heart and for constantly being a bright spot at the turn and in our small group! I feel so blessed that God has placed you here in our lives to be our friend! I love you very much and I am so excited to see what God has planned for your life!

Bethany said...

Linda, you have an incredible story of redemption. I am so glad to know you and hear your heart. You are so precious and absolutely loved! Your story touches my heart and I'm so thankful that you are in my life! Much love~ Bethany Baird <3