Saturday, June 5, 2010


Philippians 3:13-14 (New King James Version)

Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Paul writes in Phil 3 about ONE THING that we must do. He is trying to encourage the church, and he takes something very complex and simplifies this life down to one thing. He wrote 13 out of 27 NT books and at the end of his life, he said I have narrowed it down to one thing. What is that one thing? Forgetting what is behind and pushing forward!

I feel that I must share: Christ did not come to take your past and put it in your past. He destroyed it – it is under His feet. When we go back and try to live out of our past we are going back into our abandaoned house and trying to rebuild the very thing God destroyed.

Everyone has some serious issues in their past – hurts, failures, crisis, and sin. You can’t change the past – but you can move forward.

Take Israel for example: they stopped moving forward all throughout the OT. They were delivered from slavery and had to go thru desert to get to promised land. The same is true for us. In order to find the will of God, we must go thru the desert. But we have to keep moving forward to make it. They found themselves in the desert with the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army behind them – what would they do? It was absolutely impossible to go forward and God says in Exodus 14:15 – GO FORWARD! I love it. Go read it. God was saying you move forward, and I will make the Red Sea part!

Don't every forget: Forward is your destiny – backwards is your slavery! Your destiny is your pre-determined purpose from God for your life. You must forget the things behind and push forward. Your best days are ahead of you.

What is it that you must work thru to get that promised land? We don’t fail a test with God, we retake it and retake it and retake it.

So in your life right now, are you moving forward?


Blessings - pcraig!

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