Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What Jesus Was on the Cross, God is in Heaven

This pic was taken from one of the incredible crusades of Reinhard Bonnke in the continent of Africa! Enjoy his devotional below:

The price for others' wholeness was the brokenness of Jesus. Those who minister His grace will not get by without sharing something of Christ's inner heart. For some impenetrable and perverse reason the world is no friend to those who pray for healing in the name of Jesus and will make those suffer who try to relieve suffering in His name.

The truth is that God suffers - it is as if He took the responsibility for it all into His own infinite experience, carried our sorrows, absorbed the tragedy of the fall and made mankind's discords and minor mode part of the eternal music of His being. What Jesus was on the Cross, God is in heaven, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the earth. Jesus sent the disciples on a healing mission as evidence of the Kingdom of God. Where is the Kingdom without that evidence? Lacking such signs the church for centuries said little about the Kingdom and preached a purely other-worldly and spiritual Gospel which they struggled to make "relevant". A man selling bread never yet had to argue that his bread was "relevant”. The Gospel is the bread of life, bringing life and healing to mind body and soul - preach it and all the world sees it matters.

1 comment:

Christian parker said...

That's good.