Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So it is time for the second "TOP TEN" Challenge of 2010 - our SOLUTION Conference coming up on March 16-19!

We, as a staff, feel like this one week will be the most life-changing week inside of our college and 20-somethings ministry. I am asking everyone to not only be a part, but to play a vital role in helping us make this the success we know God wants it to be!

Start thinking now who you can not only invite, but bring to SOLUTION with you. We want each of you to be with us every night, Tuesday thru Friday at 7:00. It will be sure to inspire and equip you to live life to the fullest - join with us in prayer as we seek to please an audience of One!

Don't forget, dependent upon the response of theTURN to these challenges, we will rank them at the end of the year as the most influential initiatives we took at theTURN!

Much love,


Anonymous said...

So excited about SOLUTION...and praying now!

Anonymous said...

Going to be there all four nights....each night at 7 - this should be a great time for all of us as leaders to connect and reach out!