Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Some Wisdom...

So one of the greatest, Chuck Swindoll, came to Catalyst this past fall, and I had the opportunity to hear him share. It was impactful as imagined; and probably one of the things I enjoyed the most was what he shared at the end of his message. He gave 5 statements of incredible wisdom that he deemed most important for upcoming ministries and ministers. Below are some of the recaps.

Five Statements for the next 50 years of ministry:

1. Whatever you do, do it more with others and less alone – you always need more accountability.

  • I thought this was great - he said he wished he would have done more in ministry with others beside him - wanted to raise up more leaders.
2. Whenever you do it (whatever ministry), emphasize quality and not quantity.
  • How good is this for our current day and age? Raising true devoted followers of Christ - no longer creating a culture of Christianity that is a mile wide and an inch deep. May we be this kind of ministry at theTURN!
3. Wherever you go, do it the same as if you were among those who you know best – in other words, do not exaggerate stories and testimonies for the sake of appeal.
  • It is often tempting to act differently around people who do not know you best - live a life of integrity in whatever sphere of life.
4. Whoever may respond, always keep a level head.
  • He said that it makes his children so sick to hear people put him on such a pedestal. To him, he will always just be dad. I love this thought he shared about humility.
5. However long you lead, always keep on dripping with gratitude and grace.
  • Lord help this be said about us all at the end of this life. theTURN will be a place that we strive to always drip gratitude and grace - that is the heart and character of our Savior.
So proud of theTURN,

1 comment:

childofchrist said...

Tow these fundamentals definately need to be infused in our walk with christ and at the turn this is the basis for all to be and set a good example to all who come to worship. This is why i love being involved at the turn pastor craig, we always get something good that we need to hear. God ,BLESS The Turn in 2010.