Thursday, December 31, 2009

An Infusion of Power for 2010

I am having a difficult time expressing just how expectant I am for God to do an incredible work here at theTURN in 2010 - there is such a deep seated expectation in my heart, and I feel that January's fast will set the course for all that God is going to do this year! To prepare ourselves for His work, we desperately need an infusion of His strength and wisdom as we begin this new decade.

I am convinced that one reason the devil has access to people's emotions is that they keep flying through life without taking time to get renewed in the Presence of the Lord. They ignore their need to sit, to rest, and to wait upon the Lord. As a result, their perception of things around them gets blurred. Doing too much at a fast pace has worn them down, causing them to lose their focus and affecting their ability to see things the way they really are.

The only way we can remain continually effective is by making sure we spend time with the Lord. It is so simple, yet so difficult sometimes. Is His Presence all you desire in 2010? In order to truly enter His Presence so we can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, we must first quiet ourselves by getting away from the commotion of life and finding a quiet place to worship, pray, and read the Word. That's the only way we can quiet our soul enough to be able to hear God's voice speaking to our inner man. To think that we are going to run into the Lord's Presence and get everything we need in the space of five minutes just isn't realistic. We must schedule time to be alone with God.

Don't just run in and run out of the Lord's Presence. Plan to settle down and stay there long enough to get everything you need to carry on! Once you've stopped long enough to really rest in His Presence, you're finally in a position where you can start receiving from Him. Don't move too fast. Don't leave until you receive the refreshing you need. Allow the Holy Spirit to give you peace, joy, strength, and direction.

I am praying that in 2010 as you obey the Word of God and listen to the Holy Spirit's leading, you will have the wisdom to know every step you need to take in the days ahead. All you have to do is obey God's instructions, and He guarantees you blessing and provision even in difficult times. But if you try to take another approach, there is no guarantee for you to claim. This next year, we, at theTURN, must do what God says if we want to be assured of His divine blessing and protection!

Spending time with the Lord is not an option in 2010 - it is the answer! So start this new year off right by coming into the Presence of God and allow Him to refresh you. As you do, the Holy Spirit will release His resurrection power and you will be quickened in your physical body. You will be strengthened, refreshed, recharged, and supernaturally empowered by God so you can get back out there with a fresh perspeective and new energy to finish what you have started!

Would you spend time with Him today on this last day of 2009?

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