Monday, December 21, 2009

A Constant Seeking

So 2010 is almost upon us....and a new year brings new opportunities for theTURN. For this, I am so grateful, but I am very uneasy as well.

As I have said before there are no perfect churches. But when I think of what God could do for all the needs of this city among college and 20-somethings and how little we are actually accomplishing, it makes me as your leader very passionate to seek God's intervention in even more powerful ways.

I think we, as North American Christians, must no longer accept the status quo. In 2010, no more neat little meetings, even with the benefit of 100% correct doctrine. Are we hiding behind the doctrine of God's omnipresence, that he is everywhere around the globe, especially "where two or three are gathered together" the point that we do not seriously ask and expect to see Him work with power in our lives HERE and NOW? Shouldn't we expect to see Him in action once in a while? Shouldn't we implore Him to manifest Himself? Moses did. Joshua did. Elijah did. Peter did. Philip did. Paul did? Shouldn't we?

I believe that in this next year God will manifest Himself in direct proportion to our passion for Him. The principle He laid down long ago is still true today: "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jer. 29:13).

TURN: can we make it a point right now that 2010 will be a year where we seek Him with more passion than we ever have before? Can January be a month where we implore Him to move on our behalf through such fervent prayer and fasting?

I think so.

In fact, we have a brand new opportunity that will blow the top off this ministry coming up on Friday, January 29. Details coming soon.....


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