Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It is Always Preparation....

It is always us that needs the preparation. Sometimes we feel in our hearts it is time for God to use us in the way that we know He wants to; but we often still find ourselves waiting. Think of the story of Joseph. God was preparing the dreamer. The dream was ready to go, the dreamer was not. It is always us that needs the preparation. The Holy Spirit is ready to perform that which He desires - He just is waiting on us to go through the process.

The key part: you must always maintain and keep your passion. Keep your belly full of fire in the process. It is the forming us that fires God up. And there is no substitute for the fire and power of God. Do not ever lose it.

This is the truth: there will always be some form of crisis in our lives. It is what God uses to keep us dependent upon Him. It is always there....and the price must be paid for the anointing God wants to pour on your life. You will probably have to go to hell and back - but hey, what is five more yards once you have done that?

Don't get impatient with the pace of God. Stay committed and devoted. He who began a good work in you will indeed be faithful to see it to its completion. An obedient today ensures tomorrow's revelation.

See you all tomorrow night!

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