Thursday, April 30, 2009

Selah…pause and think about it

So in life and the church there are always a few things, sayings, and principles that stick with you.  Things that. I believe, if you can get deep down in your spirit, will be able to allow God to develop us more and take us into the purpose He has for us individually.

Here are few of those principles that have shaped my way of thinking and my life in general…perhaps it could do the same for you?!?!

  1. “MAKING a commitment is easy, but fruitfulness is found in its KEEPING,”
  2. “Are you living at the level of your PROBLEM, or the level of your ANSWER?”
  3. “When you have PURPOSE in your heart…you’ll have PURPOSE in your mouth.  See Luke 6:45
  4. Significance is not found in the advancement of self… but in your impact on others.
  5. The best way to fulfill what’s in your HEART is to faithfully use what’s in your HAND.
  6. Love God.  Love Life.  Love People (and I don’t think you can ever go wrong…)

Let’s begin to live our lives not for ourselves but to advance the cause of Christ and truly help others!  The greatest reward in life, for me, is to be apart of helping build what God Himself said He was building… THE CHURCH!

Much Love to theTURN,


1 comment:

Jason said...

Enjoyed bowling last night!