Monday, April 27, 2009

Worship – the catalyst to the cause.

Open our eyes

To see the things that make Your heart cry

To be the church that You would desire

Your light to be seen

Break down our pride

And all the walls we've built up inside

Our earthly crowns and all our desires

We lay at Your feet


Let hope rise

And darkness tremble

In Your holy light

That every eye will see

Jesus our God

Great and mighty to be praised


-       “With Everything” by Joel Houston


The above is a couple verses of a song written by a friend of mine…pretty powerful when you really stop to think about what thousands of people around the world are saying when they sing out the lyrics to this song in a moment of worship to our God!

It’s a prayer to our God asking Him to allow our hearts to break for the same things that His heart breaks for.  It’s a prayer to our God saying we want to be the church He desires, the light of the world…not unseen, but so bright it can’t be hidden.

Lyrics can be so powerful and create such an awesome feeling when backed up by great music and melody lines in a corporate worship atmosphere…but the question to be asked here is…can those same lyrics be powerful enough to create a movement in and of ourselves when the music is off and we’re surrounded by the silence of our daily lives?

Can we actually “break down our pride and all the walls we’ve built up inside” in order to allow God to rise to the top in our lives and accomplish everything He wants to?

I truly hope so…

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again…when we truly worship God…TRULY in SPRIT and in TRUTH…I believe that our hearts’ are connecting with the heart of God.  This is what makes worship “intimate” with God.  Therefore, you cant connect with God’s heart in worship and walk away the same…your heart has to be broken for what breaks his.

His heart is broken for lost and hurting people…those who are outcast and destitute.

Worship should impassion us and stir us up to reach those people…our lost friends and broken families…our hurting co-workers and the destitute people we pass in the parking lots everyday.

So…when you really think about it…worship is one of the most vital things we do as a community of believers!!!!  It literally is meant to stir up the cause of Christ in us… to fulfill the greatest commission that Jesus put in front of us…to take the lost, and make them disciples.

Hope to see everyone at theTURN this coming up Thursday night for a bit of a hang out as we go bowling!  Should be pretty intense to say the least!

Here are some pics from theTURN worship over the past couple weeks…in case you missed it on the night…check ‘em out!

Officially blogged,

Clayton Baird - theTURN worship leader


Jason said...

John 4:23-24 (NIV)

23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

Great post!
See you guys Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Cool!!!! I am going bowling,yeah!!!!! I like the post!!!!