Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Who Says to be Humble?

"Humility and the fear of the Lord bring wealth and honor and life." - Proverbs 22:4

God does. In fact, the fear of the Lord and humility is the beginning of all knowledge. Fools despise wisdom and knowledge.

It is God's desire that we all grow in spiritual knowledge and understanding. But there is a catch....the knowledge of God is only found at the peak of humility, which is our food by which we grow in love to the truth. We can only find revelation from God in His Word at the humble places in our lives.

Remember, Jesus' life began in a borrowed stable and ended in a borrowed tomb. What makes humility so desirable is the marvelous thing it does to us; it creates in us a capacity for the closest possible intimacy with God. This was a thought from Monica Baldwin. This is the kind of intimacy I want with the Lord.

So how do we humble ourselves? By meditating on Christ's humility, we shall see how far we are from being humble.

Here at theTURN, let's humble ourselves to gain only the knowledge and wisdom that God can grant. Humility will bring true life.

- pcraig

1 comment:

Sarah H said...

P.S. I didn't know exactly where to put this.

OK so I know this has taken me a couple of days to write, but I was really looking forward to my Sunday service in what the pastor would say.

Last Thursday, Pastor Craig talked about "Tonight is the start of something new." Luke 5: 1-11 talks about the calling of the first disciples. These men had jobs, families, etc. However with a choice that would change their lives for the rest of their lives, they decide to follow Jesus. I love what Peter says to Jesus. He doesn't just say it, it's how he said it. He says this,"Because you say so, I will let down the nets." Such humility is shown.

P-Craig talked about 4 conclusions:

1. Strengthen your weak spots.
2. Loan your boat to Jesus.
This is where my beginning statement would come in. For the past two weeks my body has been fighting an infection with sinus'. However, the thing that was aggravating me the most was the fact I was not getting any rest. So the church family that was with this Sunday was not my own, but my parents. Pastor Greg asked if there was anyone who wanted to be prayed for for healing. Of course I knew I had to go down off the platform to do so. By the way, it was a little more difficult to get down b/c I had to get out of a drum set cage, again. (That's a little side note.) I finally got down, he prayed for me, but later to find out he had a message from God. This is what was said to me...Sarah, you're in a boat and in this paddling journey you've come to see that there is a dam. Well, the dam is in your way. So here you are trying your hardest to get ahead, you are trying to break your way through this block in the water. You're trying to go upstream. He continue to say, that Sarah, stop paddling. Put paddle into your boat. Let Jesus come into your boat and take the paddles to guide you DOWNstream.

So going back to what Pastor Craig talked about, What possibilities lie with in me? What happened on Sunday made me realize that I do have possibilities. He also said this, "If you invite Jesus with you, your life will get interesting."

3. The very things that stands b/t you and a great move of God in your life--Try again anyway.
4. Get a crew.