Friday, May 1, 2009

theTURN Bowling

Last night was a blast! Thanks to all who came out with us for a night of bowling...attendance was great - 121 college and 20-somethings!  I must apologize to you for wearing you out with my whopping score of 144! Actually, I think I saw Robert Stella bowl a 200 - dude was straight up serious. Glad I was not on his lane....

Thanks again. We will see you all next week for "The Impressionist!"

Be sure to invite everyone you know.



Anonymous said...

yeah bowling was AWESOME! I'm totally coming next week for the Impressionist! I love theTURN!

Robert and Gloria said...

That's my man!!!

Anonymous said...

I had a great time bowling!!! I am coming tomorrow to the youth group,yeah!!!! God bless you guys and take care!!!!!