Monday, April 4, 2011

She Is Really Blessing My Heart

Remember Mackenzie that I introduced you to last Wednesday night? She is a freshman at Walker Valley High School. She has been consumed with the Lord the last few weeks as she has committed her life to serving Jesus Christ. I have been watching her the last few Wednesday nights as she has been worshiping, and the the Holy Spirit is wrecking her world. As she has connected to the heart of God, her heart is now beginning to break for the people around her. Read below something she wrote me this last week:

Hiiiii. I have a friend, and he has a big heart and he's an amazing friend. But he has so many problems. His name is (remain anonymous). God revealed to me the attack he is under. Hard drugs, lust, and suicidal thoughts and actions. He's tried to commit suicide a bunch of times and tonight I got upset and almost cried telling my mom how lost he is and how he needs God more than he'll ever know. My heart sunk. I sat there thinking about how many people I know and how they abandoned God and use his name in vain so often. It made me want to cry. I invited him to come to church Wednesday and he promised to think about it. That alone made me feel better, considering he doesn't totally believe in God. But anyways. I just ask that you keep him in mind, and if you see me with a new kid next Wednesday with black hair, pray that he comes back and that he gets saved. I hate seeing him suffer so much. Thank you.



Does that sound like someone who has captured His heart? I believe so. God has saved her, delivered her, implanted her into a local fellowship where she is growing and being discipled all in the last few weeks. Why? Because the mission of ELEVATION is to empower students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, discipleship, relationship, and mission. And our God is faithful. And this is why we do what we do. How many who have been in the Church for years could really learn from the passion and heart of Mackenzie at this time?


And I received an email from her mother this week:

Mackenzie has been thorugh a spiritual war that few people get through unscathed and we are so thankful to the Lord for all His protections! I wont go into details, I'm sure Mackenzie would like to share her story personally some day. Your preaching really ministered to our daughter in a way that we couldn't get through and now she is so on fire for Jesus she's inviting everyone she knows to come with her to church :)! I feel certain its just a matter of short time when the Lord fills her with the Holy Ghost as evidenced by speaking in tongues. It was so obvious that she was very close Wednesday night and I really expect it will happen soon! I believe that the moment of truth came for Mackenzie and she has been delivered, indeed set free from some strongholds and now she 'gets it" :). I cannot express the joy, the excitment, the absolute gratitude to Jesus that we feel! Words cant convey what is in our hearts. My husband and I are overjoyed not only with her recent deliverance and spiritual experience but also because we have waited her whole life for the fulfilment of a promise the Lord gave us before she was even born. We know that God has a great plan for her life and we thank you for being there to encourage, teach and motivate her!


Would you pray with me that the friend she is bringing this Wed night transfers from darkness to light?

Serving with you,

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