Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Or Else You Will Be a Partaker...(Part 2)

Paul told Timothy that by not laying hands on people too quickly, he could avoid being a "...partaker of other men's sins..." The word "partaker" is the Greek word koinonia, which conveys the ideas of fellowship, interaction, or mutual participation.

You see when those in leadership discover that a person has serious character flaw after they have put that person into a high position too quickly, they are now involved in a mess, whether they like it or not! They have someone on their team who isn't a right "fit" for them, who has a different standard of excellence, or who has some problem. But because they moved too quickly and publicly promoted that person, they are stuck with having to make a difficult decision. They have become locked in a mess that they could have avoided simply by moving a little slower!

We all have glitches and flaws in our character. Not one of us is perfect. Fortunately, small flaws are correctable as long as we have receptive and teachable hearts. But if a person refuses to see his need for change and is close-hearted to suggestions made by those who love him, this is evidence of the most serious character flaw. From the outside, this person may look like he's just what we're looking for, but we must not forget to consider the deeper issues of the heart.

Many dreadful mistakes have been made through 2,000 years of Church history simply because people were placed into leadership positions too quickly. Had time been taken and had those people really been tested, it would have been clear that they were not spiritually prepared to lead. But as a result of hasty decisions and quick actions, multitudes of people have been mishandled and hurt by immature leadership.

Don't make that same mistake! Pray for your pastor today to make right decisions about people they promote into leadership positions in their church. They need your prayer support, so get behind them today with your prayers!


1) Have there been times when your desire to be promoted was delayed? In retrospect, can you see now that you wouldn't have been ready for the job if you had been promoted at that exact time? Does it make you thankful that you were put "on hold" just a little bit longer?
2) What do you need to be dealing with in your personal character right now to better prepare you for the next promotion that God has designed for your life (you can keep your username anonymous)?


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