Friday, April 29, 2011

From My Perspective...

So yesterday began really early with serving in Cleveland...

Below is the place where a home used to stand - it was totally picked up by the tornado and thrown across the street. There was a mom, dad, and 15 month old in the house. When the tornado passed, the dad came crawling out with the 15 month old, only some scratches on the baby and dad had a broken leg. Mom? Untouched!

Below is what was left of the house when it landed across the street. If you look closely to the right behind the man in the white shirt there is a black xterra. That suv was parked over 100 yards away in another driveway!

Literal "golf ball" size hail fell outside when the tornadoes were ripping through.

Telephone pole that was snapped in half - hanging over the top of the road of Ella Lane.

Below is the home I worked at for the first 5-6 hours of the day. When I arrived at the home yesterday morning, a lady and husband were trapped in the basement (you can't see it). As I walked over to the side, they were both crawling out. When the tornado hit their home the night before, they said God turned the couch over on top of them to protect them from the falling bricks. "Craig, I could not get the couch turned over. It was too heavy and bricks were flying everywhere. One hit me hard in the leg, and I fell down to cover my head. Next thing I knew, the couch turned over on top of me and protected me."

Archer Lane off Dalton Pike. The tornado bounced around all down this street. One fatality in a home to my right when I took this picture. Total houses were picked up and thrown all the way down this street.

Lots of work to do, prayers to be prayed, hands to be held, clothing to be given, new homes to build, love to be given, care to be administered - but most of all - people to be given the Gospel! There is always hope.


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