Monday, January 31, 2011

Mission Possible - This Sunday!

So for the church at large, we are beginning a new series this coming Sunday, February 6! It's called "Mission Possible: Winning the Lost!"

Let's look once more at the vision statement of NCCoG: We, as a community of Spirit-filled believers, commit to exalt God, to evangelize the lost, and to edify and equip the church for ministry.

This February the whole month will encompass the second "e" of our vision: to evangelize the lost. You ready for this? Here is the series:

"Mission Possible: Winning the Lost"

Jesus commissioned us to carry His Gospel to the far corners of the earth, and contrary to popular belief, that mission is still possible! The reason why? Because the power whereby to discharge that commission is still available to us through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit! What impression are you making on the people around you? “For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior (Isaiah 43:3).” Jesus is Yeshua. Jehovah is Salvation. That salvation will surround the month of February; our Savior Jesus was born to die. Join us all month long and you’ll be sure to gain a new and relevant perspective on the Savior’s call on your life, a call to win the lost! You can’t afford to miss a week!

This coming Sunday, I will be opening up the series with a message entitled "Reverse the Curse." Ricardo Sanchez will be leading us in worship as we share about winning the next generation for Christ! The previous generation is called to reverse the curse of sin in this current generation! And how do we reverse the curse? We must know our identity in Christ and then recognize who are my spiritually paralyzed friends and how we can get them to Jesus!

"Your children will be shepherds here for forty years, suffering for your unfaithfulness, until the last of your bodies lies in the desert." - Numbers 14:33

"After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what He had done for Israel." Judges 2:10


Check out the February series promo below:

See you this Sunday, and don't come alone!

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