Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Series Next Week!

KALEO is in the books, and a great first series at that! The Lord moved in a mighty way in the last few weeks here at ELEVATION - lives were restored, deliverance was found, repentance was granted, and direction was found! We ended the series with a message last night entitled "Called to Significance!" I pray that the ministry of His Word is encouraging your heart each week!

As we have focused on building leaders and raising up students in discipleship in this first month, the Lord has been faithful to bring even numerical growth. Just for Wed night attendance, we have grown over 35% since the end of December! But far more important than that has been the intensity that has been growing over the last few weeks.

The next three weeks are gonna' be fly here at ELEVATION! We start a brand new series this coming Wed night called "SOBER!"

SOBER - to be marked by character, temperance, and moderation. It is the art of self-discipline, yet so few people have it in our culture. If a person cannot govern himself, major excesses will likely mark his life. Self-mastery is the foundation of a strong godly life. You likely know how much work it takes to be self-disciplined. But the rewards are worth the fight. It’s time to sober up!

Over the next three weeks we are going to examine together self-discipline in the areas of relationships and spiritual disciplines - it will be a February to remember!

And best of all, on February 16, we are doing our first-ever BLACK TIE AFFAIR!

Be sure to grab all your friends and join us for Valentine's at ELEVATION in a big way! Giveaways, best dressed prizes, pictures, free food, chocolate fountains, jazz music, and more - it's your night to shine! You don't want to miss it for the world!

See you all this Sunday morning at 9:30 for Discovery and then Ricardo Sanchez leading us in worship at 10:30!

Much love,

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