Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bible Reading Plan

"As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success." - 2 Chronicles 26:5

A Bible reading plan is critical to your development as a Christian. It may not always seem like it in this time-pressured world we live in, but spending time with God and reading His Word is the most important part of your day. The Bible should be studied as eagerly as a hungry person seeks for bread. We must take its truth and appropriate it to our lives. The delivery person on a bakery truck may handle a 1,000 loaves a day, and yet go home hungry at night; so when we read the Bible we must not peruse large portions of the Word of God with little profit. We must make it our own and feed on it.

We must study the Word as a miner digs for gold or as a diver plunges into the depths of the sea for pearls. Most great truths do not lie on the surface. They must be brought up into the light by patient toil.

So for your targeted growth, it's important for you to find a plan that works well for you. Once you've identified that plan, you need to be faithful to follow it.

Each Bible reading plan is different. They are as varied as each individual, so you have many to choose from. Consider the following options on the posted link, but remember to choose one. For the effective Christian disciple, regular reading in God's Word is not optional. It's a necessity!

Here is a link to get you started on a Bible reading plan (I personally use the "Old and New" plan in the NIV found on the following website):

I pray this is a help!


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