Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another Reason I Love theTURN!

Linda is a TURN leader that has captured the heart of everyone that is a part of theTURN! She is one of the greatest inspirations to our team and to others as she shares her testimony of God's faithfulness in her life! She sent me this email the other day and with her permission I wanted to share with you all of the impact that you and this ministry has had on her life.

For more of Linda's story, click here.

You wanna' know just one more reason why I love theTURN? Read below.

Pastor Craig,

"Turn your misery into your ministry" - that phrase has stuck with me Pastor Craig. You wanna' talk about revelation for me. God is using you, He has, and He will continue.

How amazing is it that a year ago, on this very day, I was taking a trip to Washington DC to visit the daughter of a pastor who happens to be one of my bff, because my ex-boyfriend told me that he didn't know if he loved me wholly and I decided on the 7th to move out from his house. I thought of this day just one year ago, on the tragedy of mine, but of others as well because of 9/11. I was experiencing this thing called loss.....I don't know what where u doing that day, but when I closed my eyes before the plane took off, I prayed that this trip to visit my friend would be the beginning of my healing; that I would find a pastor that would love God with all of His heart, that I would find a new group of friends that reminded me of Him; little did I know where I was landing... where I am now... the pastor God gave me... the friends He gave me... you didn't even know my face. But I think your spirit already was praying for me, because you prayed, I want the brokenhearted, the very lost, the ones without hope... healing started two months later and you didn't even know me. My prayer on 9/11 a year ago was answered!

I love you my pastor, with the deepest appreciation and gratitude I've never experienced before. I am the product of what was on the other side of your obedience to God all those nights you prayed and sought Him.

Linda Reyes

WE love you Linda! Feel free to show her some encouragement by contacting her on facebook or leaving comments below!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Linda Reyes!