Monday, August 2, 2010

New Thru 30 Begins Today!

It's something we SHOULD do. It's something we WANT to do. It's something we NEED to do. And the best part is… we’re doing it together.

Every year thousands of people promise themselves they’re going to do it this year. They’re going to read through the Bible. Or they’re going to read a little bit everyday. Or they’re just going to start fresh and do better this year. Most people don’t make it. Not even through the first month.

We have decided to read through the New Testament together...but here is the kick, we are doing it in 30 days. Get ready to sprint with us!

Our TURN leadership team will be joining in this endeavor, and we invite you to join us as well. Above you can see the reading plan for each day through the month of August. Best of all, every seven days, there are 2 grace (aka catch up) days. Every day for this month, I will be tweeting one thought from something we have read together. Hopefully it helps us all to stay on track.

Get ready for your life to be forever changed!


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