Monday, August 23, 2010

Life Change Story

I could not be any more humbled and thankful for what God is doing here at theTURN!

So thankful for students that are not just hearers of the Word only but doers. This week’s LIFE CHANGE STORY highlights a student who has been applying Thursday night messages to her every day life. I really feel like we are getting to a point where our prayers are working! I AM STARTING TO SEE MORE STUDENTS BURNING FOR LOST SOULS THAN EVER BEFORE!

Pastor Craig,

I just want to share with you about how last night’s message has absolutely wrecked me and turned my world upside down. Just in the last 3 months God has been dealing with me so much. Before coming to theTURN I was a person who worried about everything, from when and where money would be coming in, to school work being done on time and to perfection. I admit I am a bit of a perfectionist. If things did not go my way and in my timing I would just completely freak out. My stress level with all these things would get so high, that there would be times I would not be able to function because the stress would just drain me physically and emotionally. Just over the past few months God has been dealing with these issues in my heart. Now I do not worry about money, I do not worry about things being perfect, and most of all I could not tell you when the last time was that I have allowed myself to get so stressed that I could not function. God amazes me every day and it seems every day I just want more and more of Him and I can never get enough.

Over the past week, God has really been convicting me about sharing my faith with those I know are lost. So last night’s message had such deep impact on me. The one thing I know God has called me to do and I envision this every day is eventually going on medical missions. I am now in school for nursing and I know this is what God has planned for me. But the one very question I kept hearing Him say to me this week was, Felicia how are you suppose to go overseas, across the country, or where ever it is I send you and do those missions where I have called you, when you do not even take the time to share your heart and faith with those very people standing next to you? I have heard this question so clear quite a few times this week, and this question hit me like a train. So my heart throughout this week has just been consumed with my lost family members, friends, and co-workers. How is it that every day I thank God for the joy, peace, hope, and love He has brought to my life and I cannot even open my mouth to share this with the people I love the most?

I want to share real quickly with you. The hardest things I have been battling from my fiancĂ©e’ Matt’s death is guilt and regret. Though I know Satan brings the regrets into my head, it wrecks my heart to not truly know where Matt is spending eternity. I never say that because I do not like to consider the reality of his eternal home. I know Matt believed in God, but with his lifestyle I just am not sure if he ever gave his life to Christ. I think about the number of times I shared my faith and heart with him and I can count those times on one hand. ONE HAND. I ask myself how I could let my selfishness consume me and take place over someone’s eternity. I believe God has given me confirmation and hope that Matt is okay, but ultimately I am not sure of where Matt’s heart was. I kept saying I will talk to him tomorrow, no tomorrow. Well that tomorrow came and slapped me right in the face and went on. I truly don’t think it puts things into perspective until you lose someone, who you’re not sure where there eternal home is and your relationship with them could have been a factor in that decision. That feeling is something I never want to experience again. So hearing last night’s message has completely wrecked me. It has honestly physically hurt my heart and body all night long to think of the lost people all around me. I am no longer going to be the person who says tomorrow I will talk to them, but that right now, today, I will be bold and obedient and share everything Christ has done for me. I want to thank you Pastor Craig for being so unashamed and unafraid and sharing your heart. This message that God gave you has completely changed my life and how I will go about my every day.

Thanks again for everything you do.

Let’s reach, reach, reach! Our time is so short! What are we doing in the Body of Christ? Let love unlock the evangelist in your life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this. I pray God's anointing on all of us for a mission to grip our hearts to reach to the lost.