Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You Better Testify!

I could not be more excited about how the launch of our small groups here at theTURN have happened! This past Sunday night, we had our second ever meeting and the topic of discussion: sexual purity. You would be amazed to hear the testimonies from students and leaders that I am hearing. I am praying that our small groups have the same amount of people in them as our Thursday night worship experiences – what kind of health would that be! Let’s keep reaching out and growing them! I wanted to share a few of the testimonies I received in writing:

Testimonies from last night:

From a female ION - We stayed in discussion until almost 9. In our discussion we really went into a lot of issues. The greatest opportunity for our leaders to minister came in when the topic of molestation came into discussion. We had 5 girls that openly shared about how they were abused in that way. Then we had other girls ask for prayer for healing in that area. We took time to set aside and pray corporately for those girls and those specific issues. We then went into a prayer time when we paired off and shared with our partner and prayed for each other. I think this was so helpful for the girls to do. I just keep feeling so blessed to have been entrusted with these precious girls.

From a male ION - Everyone opened up very well and seemed to be comfortable. The atmosphere was great and really started to build some comradery. Thought that it would be a little closed off with ppl since we were talking about sexual purity but everyone seemed to be really open about it!

From a female ION – some quotes we had: “You can determine a man’s commitment and potential by his cell phone plan.” “Don’t put yourself in a place where your boundaries will be tested.”

From a female ION - Its amazing to me how much the girls have grown in their relationship with one another in just two meetings! I was surprised to have quite a few girls open up about their pasts and Gods healing hand in their lives. It really ministered to those who are currently going through situations such as these in their lives. Another thing is that the most shy person in our whole small group really opened up today and stepped out of her comfort zone. It was so great to see her talk to someone new. Knowing this person, this is quite an accomplishment on her part! So proud of her! :)

I have never been so proud and excited for theTURN in my life! Kickball coming in two weeks!

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