Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Are You Maturing?

"Don't let Jesus think you think more of His people than you do of Him." Those words rung through my ears several months back.

Wow. Really? I can become so bogged down with the work of ministry that I forget who I am working for. Of course. We all know this can be true in our lives. Am I thinking about His people more than I am of Him? It is a question of maturity.

Transparent moment: I feel like we are living in a day and age when God is looking for a virgin spirit, like Mary, to deposit His truth into. I believe wholeheartedly in a righteous holy lifestyle, one that pleases God. And that is what He is looking for. It is the sign of true maturity. It is only in His presence that we are annointed for the work to which He has called us. And there is nothing, NOTHING, that can substitute for the fire and power of God in your life.

But there is a price to pay for that annointing and maturity. You will more than likely have to go to hell and back for it. But hey, once you've traveled that distance, what is five more yards?

I want to tell you something. Whatever crisis you are going through right now, it has been allowed to happen by the unseen hand of God. But He is there. He is faithful. In fact, I believe that we will live our whole lives always with some form of crisis in our lives. Why you ask? Well it keeps us dependent. And that is what He wants. That brings maturity.

It is amazing to see that the first thing that leaves a man when he goes in the wrong direction is his humility. And humility only grows over the grave of pride. You can mature God's grace in your life only thru humility. Never forget: God is way more committed to character than talent. He wants a servant's attitude more than charisma. The reason people do not act like Jesus is because they do not think like Jesus. We must be renewed in the spirit of our minds to move on to maturity.

So can I encourage you today? Keep your passion. Keep your belly full of fire. And filter all your motives thru the Holy Spirit. This will keep you on track.

Share some comments below about your thoughts on this blog. Where are you at personally?

So, are you maturing?



Alex G said...

Craig i find myself here more than ever...in the midst of my ministry I have found it soo easy to lose sight of God and also easy to not listen to the Holy Spirit...This is one thing that i continually remind myself of on a daily basis...

Anita Szaller said...

Pastor Craig, this really spoke to me. I have come to a point in my life where instead of asking God "why" during my crisis, I say "thank you for allowing me to endure it". The reason is because it has allowed me to become closer to God and has allowed me to grow in the areas God wants me to grow in. It is so easy to loose focus on God when we're focused on other people. I believe I am at a point where I'm allowing God to speak to me thru different aspects and I'm trying to be more obedient to Him and not the flesh. I'm still growing but I know that I'm always going to be growing. Thank you for posting this!

Unknown said...

P. Craig. I myself haven't really been of any connection to ministry except being part of a small group or doing a bible study with some friends or something. I sometimes find myself when someone hurts me or disappoints me i get upset? I don't know if you would say depressed. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to find out if i have something serious wrong with eyes(Iritis).
So besides when i mess up and repent than afterward i am all pumped up again...for the past I'd say 3 days I've just been down in the dumps. I am looking forward to Thursday because it seems like everything is washed away when surrounded by others that are or have gone through something similar. Just sometimes seems like when i take 3 steps forward I'm knocked 2 back slowly making progress.

Justin Breon

Anonymous said...

What a hard concept to swallow. It is so easy to be tangible/concrete servants for Christ than abstract - living by faith. I think sometimes it is easier to become so focused on being used by God because we can judge that for ourselves and still keep some control over that area of our lives, but when we have to be dependent and faithfully follow through with a relationship with Christ and trusting that God will work through us as he sees fit is a-whole-nother ball game. Maturing is not just knowing crisis will come and God will deliver, but actually trusting God that there is a purpose for the crisis and we have to keep our hands open to what God is trying to work through us. Let me just add so much easier said than done!!
JoAnna Burdette

Anonymous said...

"Nothing, that can substitute for the fire and power of God in your life."
He is our strengh/endurance during the crisis/storm.

That fire for me is forever a reminder of my new heart and His spirit that now lives within us!
Its from them I get such passion and zeal.

I cant say that I am in a crisis right now. I do know that by the knowledge I have gained the spiritual understanding that allows me to grow and trust in the Lord. Therefore, when the times come I can rest instead of worry. Less stress, anxiety, worry of the carnal things my mind once held on too.

I do expect hard times and so I seek Him. I continue to seek Him for a foundation and relationship now so that when I am in the storm I will continue to seek Him all the more.

I try to stay humble but I believe that sometimes for me the only way to be changed, to be humbled, to add character, is through circumstances. Yes it hurts, even thinking about it now it reminds me of the hurt but what hurts us more being ungodly and uncomformed in the image of Christ in ourselves and our lives, or living out whats best of us by His will and purpose?

I know that I have many old bad influences that keeps me from having a better relationshop with Him. Things that dont allow Him to work through me. But may we all run this race as to get the prize

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

During these time I know it is much easier said than done but I have experienced that if I run to Him, HE will provide and give me endurance.

Rid us of our selfrighteousness Lord so that you may live through us! Renew us!

I can never have enough of Him.

I have experienced that circumstances brings out the worst in us which is exactly what God wants to do. How can a man be healed if he doesnt know he is sick?

So I expect the days of brokeness to come only to have His strength to endure because through the storms of brokeness comes much growth and maturity. Can everyone relate there???

Since I was born again I prayed for humility, to be humbeled. I prayed in ignorance, Now I pray in fear for I now know that the Lord will never disappoint and never in a expected manner. U know what im sayin!

I really like the part pc said about "God is way more committed to CHARACTER than talent. He wants a servants attitude more than charisma."

Makes my check myself! For I know I must fall short of these.

My talent is what I depend on so God brings me something that builds my character and depend on Him instead of my abilities.

The main word that stuck out in my mind is the word character. It brings me to the times (the hard times) that God has used to bring growth and maturity in my life.

Romans 5: 3-5
..."because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character and character hope."....


So Am I maturing?

I believe I am! By the grace of GOD. I still believe that by my inability to restrain pride and impatience I have caused myself to be unchanged in so many ways. In fact patience and humility are a test for me every single day. I still struggle and fall out of the bigger perspective easily.

I thank GOD for His grace and the passion He gives.

Lord may we be humbeled, meek, mourn, and poor in spirit dependent on You along Abba Father. IN JESUS NAME AMEN.


Great posts by all....

Humility only grows over the grave of pride every day in our lives...must ask God to humiliate us and show us His power.

The chinese word for crisis is a double word - danger and opportunity. Each crisis presents a danger but an incredible opportunity for growth!

Praise GOd we are maturing! Talking about humility tonight in the service....