Friday, March 26, 2010


Tonight will be a night of the ages here at theTURN! We are combining theNINE and theTURN for the second all-night prayer service...

You have never been to a night like this - I can assure you! You do not want to miss it unless of course, you don't want to have the best time of your life. We will be interacting all night long with all types of different prayer.

It is an experience like no other to discipline ourselves at the foot of the Cross to fix ourselves on Him for will engage you, cause you to laugh, cause to you cry, cause you to smile, and compel you to love!

I will see each of you tonight at the north campus starting at 10pm! Come when you can....

Bring your Bibles!

Much love,

1 comment:

Sylvain said...

What a night! God presence was so evident. It will be a day I will always remember