Monday, March 29, 2010

All Night Prayer Requests

So as promised, I wanted to post all of the requests that were given in the 3:00 hour of Saturday morning! God was so good to us - join your hearts with us and pray for these items as we seek Him together.

  • Joe - prayer for his next season of ministry in St. Petersburg - thanks for the call of God on his life
  • Sylvain - prayer for a continual mindset on God - wants to think how God thinks with a renewal of the mind and taking thoughts captive
  • Dustin - he is called to the thing his family hates and needs boldness - parents turned away from the church and need healing - needs direction on how to reach his family for Christ
  • Cris - since she was 12, she has had no connection with her parents and has a desire to be reunited and connected
  • Elisabeth - her dad has a heart abnormality
  • Madison - prayer for friend named Colton in Alabama - is suicidal and parents discourage Christ and he shuts her down because he thinks he does not need God
  • David - his family is not saved and wants prayer for our nation - also a passion for Christ as newborn babes
  • Carlos - wants God to make him invisible and kill the pride of life - needs prayer for Gainesville State and a way to win people and stop being mediocre in Christian living - give us favor on that campus
  • Justin - rededicated his life at SOLUTION - mom has colon cancer and an addiction to medicine
  • Janine - a friend named Ashton who had a lung collapse
  • Peter - he has a roller coaster spirituality he is coming out of - wants direction on relationships because they always seem to break down - needs to open up more in relationships
  • Parker - friends with drug addictions and Mason who is his cousin's friend needs Jesus
  • Christian - lost his brother a few years ago and sense the urgency of the gospel being shared - we need compassion and urgency in our times
  • Kaleigh - her parents are away from God - she wants to be a better friend and light and encouragement to the outside world
  • Alex - needs prayer on the importance of relationships in a church especially theTURN small groups about to start up
  • John - prayer for grandmother and brother who does not know God
  • Brie - parents are getting divorced and needs direction on who to live with - has scholeosis and having back surgery this summer
  • Brittleigh - needs courage and strength to obey
  • Laura - wants to seek Him more in 2010 and not waver - thinking too hard and not experiencing enough - wants to grow in defense of the gospel
  • Alex - God's will and direction on where to go to school
The Lord gave me this Scripture during this hour the other night:

"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith." 1 John 5:4

All that was born the other night came out of faith - rest assured, it will overcome the world! Let's pray and believe!

Much love,

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