Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Third Statement

As promised - here is His third statement on the Cross:

His Acclamation of His Mother

Perhaps Jesus closed his eyes as he bore the brunt of the first onslaught of pain. Perhaps as it subsided a bit he opened them again. At all events, as he looked down from the cross, he saw a little group of faithful women and the apostle John (“the disciple whom he loved” [v.26]). And then he saw his mother. She was, of course, very precious to him from a human point of view. True, she had not always understood him, and once or twice he had had to speak to her firmly when she stood in the way of his doing his Father’s will. Nevertheless, she was his mother. He had been conceived in her womb by the supernatural operation of the Holy Spirit. She had given birth to him, laid him in a manger, and cared for him during his childhood. It would have been she who taught him the biblical stories of the patriarchs, kings, and prophets, and the plan and purpose of God. She had also set him a radiant example of godliness.

Now we read that “near the cross of Jesus stood his mother” (v.25). It is hard to imagine the depth of her grief as she watched him suffer. Simeon’s prohecy was being fulfilled that a sword would pierce her own soul (Luke 2:35). Jesus thinks not of his pain but of hers. He is determined to spare her the anguish of seeing him die. So he avails himself of a right that scholars tell us a crucified man had, even from the cross, namely to make a testamentary disposition. Using the terminology of family law, he put her under John’s protection and care and put John under hers. Immediately John took her away to his Jerusalem home.

Looking back over the first three words from the cross, we are amazed at the unselfishness of Jesus. He had no thought for himself. In spite of the pain and shame he was experiencing, he prayed for the forgiveness of his enemies, he promised paradise to a repentant thief, and he provided for his bereaved mother. This is love, and Scripture says to us, “Live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us” (Eph. 5:2) (from John Stott)

See you tonight!


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