Wednesday, September 2, 2009

KALEO: to this you were called...

We start a brand new series here at theTURN tomorrow night, and I am so excited about what God is going to do in and through our lives! Throughout the whole month I will be preaching about the call of God on our lives individually as well as corporately - there is no telling what might happen over the next few weeks!

“Kaleo: to this you were called” – college and 20-somethings
Kaleo: to call; to utter in a loud voice. Join theTURN all month long as we learn God’s call on each of our lives. What does it mean to be called to greatness? Absolute submission. Ultimate sacrifice. And relentless pursuit of that which is promised to those who will follow. God is calling the college-and-20-somethings to be ready to follow His divine calling.

And I want to take the opportunity to celebrate and thank God for what He did here at theTURN over the month of August:

  • 21 new commitments to Christ in our altars over 4 weeks
  • 575 + college and 20-somethings attended our 4 worship experiences
  • 33 visitors over the month on our Thursday nights
  • 27 students served with us for two days in our "Dorm Raiders" event on Aug. 15-16
  • helped 400 college students move in over 12 hours in two days
  • our team carried a combined 82,000 pounds in one weekend!
  • launched our first TURN OC service on Aug. 21 and had 78 people in attendance in our first worship experience
  • had 4 prayer meetings with our TURN leaders over the month
To say the least, I am pumped about what the near future holds for this unified community as we continue to move forward!

I would not miss a single week if I were you.....

See you tomorrow night - I am making the kaleo!


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