Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Called to Run to the Lost"

Tonight was a blast - God's Spirit moved in our hearts - this is for sure. Praise God for the 7 commitments to Christ we saw in the altars tonight.....

And we sold several dvds from last week's service tonight - but here are the Scripture slides from tonight's message. You can buy tonight's dvd next week in service for only $2.00, but in the meantime, here are the Scriptures at least.

"If you can't identify people in your life who are far from God and need Jesus, then you yourself are starting to get far from Jesus. Jesus always was about being around people who were far from God. He was one who welcomed sinners and ate with tax collectors."

Help us all Lord to run to the lost.

See you in one week - "Call Night!"


1 comment:

Christi said...

Thursday's message was PHENOMINAL! Can't wait for Call Night!