Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thursday Nights: What Should I Expect?

Last Thursday night was a blast for everyone!

And here are the message points recapped:
  • Nehemiah 8
  • Came together for worship as one man - gathered together in unity yet were still divided
  • The people begged him to preach - could you imagine what would happen if we were all face-forward into what God wanted to say to us on Thursday nights?
  • We are anchored to the Word of God - not entertainment.
  • Preached til noon - 5 hours and the people listened attentively! Wow - preaching is a big deal. Well we say that each week...
  • 5 Faulty Approaches to Worship:
  • Simon Cowell - judgmental, critical spirit - church is like American Idol to you - are you going to vote us in another week?
  • Bunny Rabbit - professional church shoppers - this alienates you from the life God wants you to live - buy in!
  • Movie Theater - "Here we are now, entertain us!" - this is not a show - people show up with an exit strategy in one hand to get out on the last song to beat the crowd - more to this than that!
  • Diet Coke - I will live like hell all week and wash down all my guilt in one hour each Thursday night! Worship is meant to be an overflow not a meal replacement plan!
  • Blackberry - just another thing to do - another appointment to make - come to church as a duty to check off the list
  • And I taught for a while on the two creations - old man and new man and the divide of the Cross, but I could not possibly put all of those points on here.....if you want more of that, sign up for the School of Discipleship - it starts Monday, September 14 at 7:00 pm and will go until 9:00 pm. The session is 12 weeks long - it will flat out change your life!
See you this Thursday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are the notes you requested, Craig.

Malachi 3:10 - Open the flood gates of heaven.

"We have to be a church and a community anchored to the word."

Nehemiah 8:3 And ALL the people listened attentively.→ 5 hours of preaching!!!

Nehemiah 8:6 Then they bowed down and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground.

The greatest negative in the universe is the cross. It negates all sins.
The greatest POSITIVE in the universe is the resurrection.

"You cannot get in the baptistery pool until you know without a shadow of a doubt that we are Dead [without God]"

Romans 6:12-13→Key phrase: "those who have been brought FROM DEATH TO LIFE!"

"You wanna see God's Glory, see a man who is FULLY ALIVE

Holiness- To be set apart for God.

"We can't expect a builder to build a house without giving him the materials he needs to build, and we can't expect the LORD to live in us if we don't give him our lives in which for him to live."

Jesus took the five fish and the two loaves of bread- he Broke them, blessed them, and then fed many...God will break you then bless you then use you to help other people"

Five wrong approaches to worship
1. Simon Cowell Approach- Very judgmental and critical. Nit-pick and faultfind.
2. Bunny Rabbit approach- Hops church to church because you like one for the music, another for the sermons and another for the friends you have, etc. This alienates you from God's word and the life He wants to live through you.
3. Movie theater approach- Treating church like a show. Skipping out at the last song (the credits) to beat the crowd.
4. Diet Coke approach- Live like hell all week and think that in one hour all will be wiped clean, just like some people order 3 hamburgers and a diet coke, thinking the diet coke will cancel out all of the calories of the burgers.
5. Blackberry approach- Just another thing to put in your schedule.