Friday, June 25, 2010

Unexpected Crosses

Pastor preached a brilliant message tonight at Forward. I wanted to simply remind us:

Are we willing to take up our cross? Don't ever forget what that meant for the disciples!

And it was that moment. It was that moment that he captured in that painting of The Last Supper when He revealed the hypocrite, the betrayer. And He said, “One of you will betray Me. And they all turned and said, “Lord, is it I? Lord, is it I”?

The price that they paid to eat that meal – I want you to remember the price that they paid to eat this meal. It cost them their lives to eat of the Lord’s Supper.

Simon the Zealot was crucified like Jesus with nails in his hands and nails in his feet.

Thaddeus died on a cross at Odessa.

Matthew was martyred at Ethopus. He was slain with a pickaxe.

Philip was scourged and imprisoned and afterwards he was crucified.

Thomas was murdered by an enraged idol priest and thrust through with a spear.

John the Baptist was boiled in a pot of hot oil and somehow survived it and was exiled to the Isle of Patmos.

Simon Peter was slain by Nero and hanged upside down; his wife was crucified with him.

Judas betrayed our Lord and hung himself.

Andrew was crucified on an “X” shaped cross.

James the lesser was stoned and then he was beaten to death with a fuller’s club which is a hammer used to groove iron.

Nathaniel was filleted alive and crucified with his head facing downward.

That’s the price they paid! That’s the price they paid to eat the meal that you and I take. But by far the greatest price that was paid was the Man in the middle of the table Jesus, the Son of God, for they took Him to the cross and they nailed Him to it. He bled His life away for every sinner, for every person who is lost.


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