Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Longing to Serve

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks, you’re well aware that our region has experienced the damages of a disastrous storm. Our community has been completely shaken – businesses destroyed, homes torn apart, loved ones lost. The current count of homes affected – this includes complete destruction, major damage, and minor damage – is at 686. Wow. If that is not a humbling statistic, then I’m not quite sure what is.

Yet, regardless of how bad situations like these may get, we are still entitled to believe that “in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him” (Rom. 8:28). Isn’t it beautiful that in all of this, we are sure that we can still stand firm on Jesus Christ, the rock of our salvation? Although much of the city that I’ve known for my entire twenty years of life has crumbled to the ground, He is still sovereign. And it gets even better! Not only is He still good, but He is still here and willing to pick up the pieces of our community, brick by brick, and help us experience restoration. But He has called us to help in the process.

During this time of devastation, those affected are searching for hope, and as the body of Christ, that’s our cue. We must completely devote ourselves to loving people; for when we are completely devoted to Christ, He places in us an innate desire to serve His people. It is imperative that we make it our mission to restore hope to the lost and suffering. We have been crying out for opportunities to serve, to encourage, to reach out, to make a difference. This time has come, and many Elevation students and leaders alike have taken time out of their busy schedules to assist the relief efforts. But as time takes its toll, we must not let ourselves lose sight of our call to serve.

To just claim to have faith, but not act on it with good deeds daily would be inconsistent. It’s like, “Sorry God, I do believe in you, but today I’m kind of busy. I don’t really feel like serving. I have my own problems to deal with, so I can’t handle someone else’s problems.” But when you dedicate your life to Christ, you are reborn; you are no longer who you were before. You are no longer yourself. Those desires to please only your flesh are replaced by the desire to please Him in all you do. The foundation of who you are is in Him, and it is constant; therefore, we cannot choose when and when not to be the body of Christ, but we must consistently do so. We must be His hands and His feet… We must reach out to others as if they were Jesus walking on earth. Not just in times of devastation, but – Every. Single. Day.

Intentionally interrupt someone’s life today with the love, grace, and mercy of your Savior. Meet them where they are and sacrifice your time to invest in them. Whether it be a kind gesture, an encouraging word, a donation of something lost in the storm. Whatever it is, let this disaster develop in you a longing to serve that will not fade away. Simply, let the love of Jesus inside of you surpass all the chaos around us. “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless” (James 2:17). Combine your faith with your service by serving His people and His light will shine through you.

Jenifer Christenbury

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