Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Beginning....

Well we are launched! And it has been one of the most exciting times of my life...what God is doing in Cleveland right now is blowing me away. If you know of anyone who would be interested in attending Leadership College next year, send them our way!

Check out the site here and interact with our material a bit:


Our resurrected Lord appeared to His disciples in Matthew 28:19-20 and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.” This is known as “The Great Commission” because it was Jesus’ final mandate to the Church. It displays, in essence, the heart and DNA of God for His Church.

When first reading it, “go,” “make disciples,” “baptizing,” and “teaching” all sound like verbs. But in the original text, there is only one main verb in the verse, “make disciples (matheteuo-be or become a disciple).” “Go,” “baptizing,” and “teaching” are all participles that gain their direction from the main verb in Jesus’ command. So Jesus’ command was for His followers to do for others what He had done with them, make learners of Christ of all nations. How does one do that? By going, by baptizing (which includes evangelism), and by teaching.

To make a disciple however, one must first be a disciple. Only disciples can make disciples. We reproduce what we are. Only growing leaders grow leaders. Over time, words change. The weight of a word may increase or deteriorate depending upon the culture in which it is used. So Scripturally what is a disciple? The literal meaning of the word disciple as used in the New Testament is “learner or pupil.” Jesus said in Luke 6:40, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher (NKJV).” Making disciples necessitates training and learning.

Jesus said in Matthew 22:37, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind (NKJV).” This is known as the Great Commandment. Most Christians today are content to love God with heart and soul dismissing their minds from the pursuit. But true disciples love the Lord with all they have, including their minds. Being a disciple then means that knowledge is required, and knowledge is the fruit of the mind. It can thus be stated then that “The Great Commission” can only effectively flow out of the life of one practicing “The Great Commandment.” Love for God with heart, soul, and mind compels one to impart the knowledge that is gained to others who are seeking out the truth. This is what it means to be a disciple-making disciple.

We believe that making disciple-making disciples should be the work of all believers. The Great Commission is not merely a suggestion for vocational ministers; it is a command for all Christ-followers. No one is excluded. Whether one is a schoolteacher, construction worker, pastor, bank manager, politician, or stay-at-home mom, the priority of their life must be to train other learners of Christ.

Jesus entrusted to His disciples this glorious Gospel and believed that as they followed this new way of Kingdom living, others would become disciple-making disciples as well until the world would come to know Him through the principle of multiplication. It must have worked. You and I are followers today.

Disciple-Making Disciples is more about men than methods. These quotes from The Master Plan of Discipleship by Robert Coleman encapsulate my heart:

It all started with Jesus calling a few men to follow him. This revealed immediately the direction his evangelistic strategy would take. His concern was not with programs to reach the multitudes, but with men whom the multitudes would follow. Remarkable as it may seem, Jesus started to gather these men before he ever organized an evangelistic campaign or even preached a sermon in public. Men were to be his method of winning the world to God. (pg 21)

This is why, we must say with E.M. Bounds that men are God’s method. Until we have such people imbued with his Spirit and committed to his plan, none of our methods will work. (pg 97)

This is the new evangelism we need. It is not better methods but better men and women who know their redeemer from personal experience -men and women who see his vision and feel his passion for the world – men and women who are willing to be nothing so he might be everything – men and women who want only for Christ to produce his life in and through them according to his good pleasure. This finally is the way the Master planned for his objective to be realized on the earth, and where it is carried through by his strategy, the gates of hell cannot prevail against the evangelization of the world. (pg 97)

Currently serving as a student pastor, I see youth pastors everywhere frantically searching for a new method from the latest, most popular youth pastor living. Our churches are eaten up with church-growth models, new initiatives, seeker services, and powerless fads. And in most cases, the problem is not finding a better method at all. We severely need to learn to make better men and women – disciples who are sold out to the commandment of making disciples of all nations. This is the mission of Disciple-Making Disciples.

Monday, May 16, 2011

How a Storm Changed My Life

I am so incredibly proud of Daniel Murch. He texted me late last night, "I am starting to realize that the cost of leadership has a lot of responsibility that goes along with it. I am just realizing that there is a price to be pay for everything you do and the greatest price is responsibility. I mean if you can trust people with small things to do and then you get more responsibilities, that will stretch your leadership skills too. I am just at a funny place. I am realizing that every opportunity is a stretching if you allow it to stretch you."

Done. I do not need to say anymore. Someone is finally getting it. There is no greater joy for a pastor. Enjoy his story:

The last few weeks since this storm has totally changed my life. It is funny how I thought I knew my calling in my life. I had always wanted to be a youth pastor, but I did not know if that was my area. I knew I was called into ministry at a youth conference. I have been at a place in my life the last few months of really searching for my calling. That was my problem I ran into. I was seeking the calling more than I was seeking the caller.

The storms came through, and I drove back to my dorm that night after everything had settled down a little bit. As I was driving through the city of Cleveland my heart started to sink. I knew whatever happened was not like any other storm that Cleveland had ever seen before. My brother even called and told me not to leave once I get to my dorm. I knew it was bad! I really wanted to get out and help that night but after the stories my brother told me I was happy I was not out there.

The next day I got a phone call from the church asking if I could come and help prepare meals for the people who lost everything. I was like people lost everything in Cleveland. We don’t get really bad weather in Cleveland. After the lunch I went to Ella drive off of Dalton Pike to meet Pastor Craig. He was out there helping families. I could not believe my eyes! I saw houses completely gone. I was not ready for everything that I was going to see the next two weeks. It is funny how two weeks can change your life. A friend of mine started to help get the relief efforts started. Even before the other agencies could get to us, they were already setting up relief centers in different areas. It is crazy the donations and volunteers that started to flood in. The relief center that I was at the most was Dalton Pike. It reached a lot of people right behind the relief center. I got to know some people and even hear people tell their stories. The longer I stayed out there, the longer my heart got burdened. Something was going on deeper inside of me, more like a drawing of my heart. The last day that we had to shut down I was not able to be there because I had to go to Nashville with my brother.

That Monday night my heart was crushed. We were told to shut down but so many needs still needed to be met. I went to ELEVATION prayer and as soon as I walked in, I just started to weep. I could not pray, I just wept. I had never felt such a burden for something in my life. I could not do anything but weep over the people I pictured in my head. Pastor Craig came and prayed a prayer over me and it was right on point. After he got done praying another really good friend of mine said he felt the same way while I was helping with the disaster relief.

Basically my calling is not what I thought it was. It is far beyond what I thought it was. I know I am called to help hurting people but not from the pulpit. I am at an overwhelming time in my life. I don’t want to say I am ready for anything, because I know I am far from being ready. I can say I am excited to see what happens next!

Daniel Murch

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Longing to Serve

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks, you’re well aware that our region has experienced the damages of a disastrous storm. Our community has been completely shaken – businesses destroyed, homes torn apart, loved ones lost. The current count of homes affected – this includes complete destruction, major damage, and minor damage – is at 686. Wow. If that is not a humbling statistic, then I’m not quite sure what is.

Yet, regardless of how bad situations like these may get, we are still entitled to believe that “in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him” (Rom. 8:28). Isn’t it beautiful that in all of this, we are sure that we can still stand firm on Jesus Christ, the rock of our salvation? Although much of the city that I’ve known for my entire twenty years of life has crumbled to the ground, He is still sovereign. And it gets even better! Not only is He still good, but He is still here and willing to pick up the pieces of our community, brick by brick, and help us experience restoration. But He has called us to help in the process.

During this time of devastation, those affected are searching for hope, and as the body of Christ, that’s our cue. We must completely devote ourselves to loving people; for when we are completely devoted to Christ, He places in us an innate desire to serve His people. It is imperative that we make it our mission to restore hope to the lost and suffering. We have been crying out for opportunities to serve, to encourage, to reach out, to make a difference. This time has come, and many Elevation students and leaders alike have taken time out of their busy schedules to assist the relief efforts. But as time takes its toll, we must not let ourselves lose sight of our call to serve.

To just claim to have faith, but not act on it with good deeds daily would be inconsistent. It’s like, “Sorry God, I do believe in you, but today I’m kind of busy. I don’t really feel like serving. I have my own problems to deal with, so I can’t handle someone else’s problems.” But when you dedicate your life to Christ, you are reborn; you are no longer who you were before. You are no longer yourself. Those desires to please only your flesh are replaced by the desire to please Him in all you do. The foundation of who you are is in Him, and it is constant; therefore, we cannot choose when and when not to be the body of Christ, but we must consistently do so. We must be His hands and His feet… We must reach out to others as if they were Jesus walking on earth. Not just in times of devastation, but – Every. Single. Day.

Intentionally interrupt someone’s life today with the love, grace, and mercy of your Savior. Meet them where they are and sacrifice your time to invest in them. Whether it be a kind gesture, an encouraging word, a donation of something lost in the storm. Whatever it is, let this disaster develop in you a longing to serve that will not fade away. Simply, let the love of Jesus inside of you surpass all the chaos around us. “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless” (James 2:17). Combine your faith with your service by serving His people and His light will shine through you.

Jenifer Christenbury

Thursday, May 5, 2011


This coming Wednesday night we begin a brand new series - ABIDE!

John uses the word 43 times throughout the books of John, 1 John, and 2 John. It is used as a command, a warning, an invitation to a deeper love relationship, as an assurance, and as an exhortation to godly living. The word “abide” carries the idea of continuing, enduring, awaiting, dwelling, and withstanding – firm and immovable without yielding. A loving and awesome God calls His people to relationship with Him. If they will stay in that relationship He promises they will experience His faithful love, have an intimate relationship with Him, and gain rewards both now and eternal. Abide is both a call and a command. We are to stay in Christ, not yielding to the world around us. In being firm and immovable in our walk with God, we will experience the love of God lived out through our lives. Our hearts become His dwelling place and His ours. To "abide" is to live from and stay in the very source of life and love - Christ. Join us for this important, very practical yet radically Christ-centered series this May.

Just as we did in the month of April, we have added an additional means of making disciples. This month in ELEVATION we will be recommending a monthly book to read to help supplement the growth of God and maturity within our students. Our leaders and students alike are encouraged to read with us Basic Christianity by John Stott - a staple for every believer in Christ. I have been hearing several testimonies of how Spiritual Leadership was a blessing to so many in the month of April.

In addition to a recommended read, ELEVATION has its own monthly Bible reading plan as well. You can pick those up on any Wednesday evening or Sunday morning and it is posted here as well. What a blessing to be able to read through the Scriptures together as a ministry!

Psalms Prophets NT Epistles

Sun. May 1 Ps 1 Isaiah 1-2 Matt 1-2 Romans 1-2
Mon. May 2 Ps 2 Isaiah 3-4 Matt 3-4 Romans 3
Tue. May 3 Ps 3-4 Is 5-6 Matt 5-6 Romans 4-5
Wed. May 4 Ps 5 Is 7-8 Matt 7-8 Romans 6
Thu. May 5 Ps 6 Is 9-10 Matt 9-10 Romans 7
Fri. May 6 Ps 7-8 Is 11-12 Matt 11-12 Romans 8
Sat. May 7 Ps 9 Is 13-14 Matt 13-14 Romans 9
Sun. May 8 Ps 10 Is 15-16 Matt 15-16 Romans 10
Mon. May 9 Ps 11-12 Is 17 Matt 17-18 Romans 11
Tue. May 10 Ps 13 Is 18-19 Matt 19-20 Romans 12
Wed. May 11 Ps 14 Is 20 Matt 21-22 Romans 13
Thu. May 12 Ps 15-16 Is 21-22 Matt 23-24 Romans 14
Fri. May 13 Ps 17 Is 23 Matt 25 Romans 15-16
Sat. May 14 Ps 18 Is 24-25 Matt 26 Romans 1-2
Sun. May 15 Ps 19-20 Is 26 Matt 27 Romans 3
Mon. May 16 Ps 21 Is 27-28 Matt 28 Romans 4-5
Tue. May 17 Ps 22 Is 29 Matt 1-2 Romans 6
Wed. May 18 Ps 23-24 Is 30 Matt 3-4 Romans 7
Thu. May 19 Ps 25 Is 31-32 Matt 5-6 Romans 8
Fri. May 20 Ps 26 Is 33-34 Matt 7-8 Romans 9
Sat. May 21 Ps 27 Is 35-36 Matt 9-10 Romans 10
Sun. May 22 Ps 28 Is 37-38 Matt 11-12 Romans 11
Mon. May 23 Ps 29 Is 39 Matt 13-14 Romans 12
Tue. May 24 Ps 30 Is 40 Matt 15-16 Romans 13
Wed. May 25 Ps 31 Is 41 Matt 17-18 Romans 14
Thu. May 26 Ps 32 Is 42 Matt 19-20 Romans 15
Fri. May 27 Ps 33 Is 43 Matt 21-22 Romans 16
Sat. May 28 Ps 34 Is 44 Matt 23-24 Galatians 1-2
Sun. May 29 Ps 35 Is 45 Matt 25 Galatians 3-4
Mon. May 30 Ps 36 Is 46 Matt 26 Galatians 5-6
Tue. May 31 Ps 37 Is 47 Matt 27-28 Ephesians 1

We look forward to May 20 as well when we will be having IMPACT here at ELEVATION! This is a night solely for you to invite friends and us all to further relationships. We will have free food, xbox tourneys, fire pits, smores, basketball, volleyball, and even putting greens! Start inviting now!

Looking forward to an awesome May!