Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Saturday Thought

Just a Saturday thought:

You know that I have been worried for years now about the rapid spread of this altogether gospel" that is spreading across this nation. Just a few more thoughts for today.

We are observing the effect of the prosperity gospel in the presentation of the gospel. Instead of preaching to others to repent of their sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of their sin, people are preaching another gospel where we simply believe on His name and He will begin to bless us. We preach of a Jesus who is an accessory to our life that will help us pursue our own selfish ambitions, instead of preaching the biblical Jesus... One who gave up the riches of heaven to descend to our level and bring us redemption. The cross of Christ is no longer preached in this gospel because it undermines its message. When a believer truly understands the wrath that should have fallen on him and the penalty that Christ took as a substitute on the cross, he will no longer live for himself, but his life will be radically centered on God. This man will regard gold and earthly riches in the same way that heaven regards them- under his feet and out of his heart. However, the man that came to Christ based on this "new gospel" will serve God joyfully when God blesses his labor, and will make demands upon God whenever his wants aren't satisfied. Truly, this is a man-centered gospel and any gospel where man is exalted above the sovereignty of God is earthly and demonic. I believe this wholeheartedly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Jesus is not an accessory. He is the necessity, our urgent need. He is life. People have made/turned Gods very will to a man-pleasing religion. A man made self religion is dependant on man not God. This is pride.

We are so prideful by nature. We dont want to see how desperatley wicked we are and in need of a savior we are. Thats where it all starts in my eyes.

Jesus is not an accessory HE is the necessity. Full dependance on God and His will for us. Know His will not our own.